Harley Davidson motorcycles are well-known for their quality and performance. Like any other vehicle, they require regular maintenance and checkups to ensure they remain in top running condition. One of the more important components of a Harley Davidson motorcycle is the starter relay, which allows the bike to start when the ignition switch is turned on. In this article, we’ll provide an overview of the starter relay and how it works before helping you locate and replace it if necessary.

1. Overview of a Harley Davidson Motorcycle’s Starter Relay

The starter relay on a Harley Davidson motorcycle is responsible for controlling both voltage and current from the battery to the starter motor when it is activated by turning on the ignition switch, allowing your bike to start up properly. The starter relay contains several electrical components such as contacts, coils, and conductors that are essential for its proper operation. If any of these components fail or become faulty due to age or wear-and-tear, then your bike may not start properly or at all as a result.

2. What to Know Before Locating Your Starter Relay

Before attempting to locate your Harley Davidson’s starter relay, there are a few things you should know. First and foremost, be sure to disconnect the battery before attempting to locate and replace the starter relay. This will prevent any possible electrical shock or injury while working on your bike. Additionally, be sure to have a wiring diagram of your motorcycle handy as well as any tools or supplies you may need such as screwdrivers, wrenches, and replacement parts.

Finding and Replacing Your Harley Davidson Starter Relay

Locating the Starter Relay

The starter relay is usually located near the battery on your Harley Davidson motorcycle. It should look like a small black box with several wires connected to it. If you’re unsure of its exact location, consult your wiring diagram for reference or contact an authorized Harley Davidson service center for more information.

Removing and Replacing the Starter Relay

Once you’ve located the starter relay, begin by disconnecting all of its cables from their respective terminals using a wrench or pliers if necessary. Once all cables are disconnected, unscrew the screws holding it in place using a screwdriver and gently remove it from its housing unit. Finally, inspect the starter relay for any signs of damage such as corrosion or wear-and-tear that could be causing it to malfunction. If the starter relay appears to be faulty, replace it with a new one and re-connect all of its cables before screwing it back in place. Also here explains the color codes for various types of wiring and how to match them correctly for a safe, reliable installation.


The starter relay is an essential component of your Harley Davidson motorcycle that helps ensure proper starting power. In this article, we covered the basics of what you need to know when locating and replacing your starter relay including where it’s located, how it works, and what tools you may need for the job. It’s important to keep up with regular maintenance on your Harley Davidson in order to keep it running smoothly for years to come – including replacing any faulty or worn-out components such as the starter relay if necessary.

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